ECEN 5164 - The course builds upon fundamental electromagnetic theory to provide students with additional engineering tools that will serve them in designing microwave/optical devices. The effective materials examined within the course find applications within the framework of antenna design, microwave/optical waveguides, and within active/nonlinear systems. Course concepts include periodic Floquet/Bloch analysis, coupled mode theory and perturbation techniques for guided waves. Classical microwave structures – periodically loaded transmission lines / waveguides, corrugated surfaces, wire arrays, composite materials (Clausius-Mossotti relation), non-LTI metamaterials for amplification, non-reciprocity, and frequency conversion, and two-dimensional metamaterials known as metasurfaces.

Remote SensingÂ
Signals and SystemsÂ
ECEN 5254 – Students in this course learn to understand the theory and architecture of modern remote sensing systems, including both active and passive systems operating in the microwave, infrared and optical portions of the spectrum. Emphasis is placed on electromagnetic wave reception and detection, statistical signal processing, noise analysis and remote sensing system architecture. Applications to radar detection and surveillance, Earth remote sensing, astronomy, and imaging systems are covered.

ECEN 4634/5634 – In this lab, students learn the skills critical to becoming a qualified microwave engineer. The course covers Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) calibration and measurements, radar, superheterodyne links, antenna measurements, and other microwave engineering techniques.

Fields and WavesÂ
ECEN 3400 – Electromagnetic fields are covered at an introductory level, starting with electrostatics and continuing with DC current, magnetostatics, time-varying magnetic fields, waves on transmission lines, Maxwell's equations and the basics of plane waves. The use of fields in inductors, capacitors, resistors, transformers, and energy and power concepts are studied.